Do you have the right recipe for  your website cookies?

What does data protection and privacy mean for your website? What are the requirements for visitors to your site?

Every website collects data. Without exception. As a website owner, you have a legal obligation to respect Law 25 by allowing visitors to choose what they do on your website and letting them know what happens with the data that you collect from them. This can include answering these questions:

  • What data is gathered when a visitor arrives and navigates your website?
  • Why is this data gathered?
  • What are the third parties that gather data from your visit (like Google or WordPress)?
  • Why and how is this personal data being collected?
  • Is there a possibility for your visitor to access, modify or withdraw the consent?
  • Can visitors request further information on collected data?
  • Did you identify a person responsible for the data protection and collection of your website?

Your website has to :

  • Allow visitors to give an express consent to the data collection
  • Allow visitors to change their mind and modify their consent
  • Publish Terms of use, Privacy Policy and Confidentiality information on your website explaining what goes on when a visitor arrives on your website and what happens with the data that you collect
  • Show that you respect the laws regulating protecting the privacy of your visitors and data collection

What DGTilai does for you

Analyze your website to identify cookies and personal data on your website

DGTilai identifies cookies and personal data collected on your site. We offer the solution for managing these.


Installation of appropriate extensions to manage and store cookies and personal data

With the right plugins installed on your website, you will offer a space that respects the privacy of your visitors.


Manage Confidentiality, Conditions of use, Cookies, Personal Data, Privacy, Website

Let us draft the documents that should be published on your website to ensure respect for the privacy of your visitors.

Resource person for your website 📱 📩

We act as a resource person to manage requests related to data collection.

Management of data collected on your site

We ensure the management of the data collected. We back up and store data.

Updates to obligations under applicable laws

We ensure that your website complies with laws governing privacy and data collection.

Privacy, data collection, confidentiality and cookies on your website

Law 25
Bill 25, also known as the Act to modernize legislative provisions relating to the protection of personal information, created a new series of obligations for all Quebec companies, large or small, private or public, which hold, process and communicate personal information of their customers, employees and suppliers on a website. This law, which is the first of its kind in Canada, is designed to adapt to today’s technological realities and harmonize Quebec with Canadian and international jurisdictions regarding the protection of personal information.

Law 25 mainly modifies the “protection of personal information” component of the law on access to documents held by public bodies and on the protection of personal information and the law on the protection of personal information in the private sector.

Loi 25 – Nouvelles dispositions protégeant la vie privée des Québécois

Entrée en vigueur des nouvelles dispositions de la loi 25

Loi 25 : nouveau régime d’application de la loi québécoise sur la protection des renseignements personnels dans le secteur privé

Data Collection

Website data collection refers to the systematic process of gathering, acquiring and recording various information from visitors to a website. This data may include demographic information such as age, gender, and geographic location, as well as behavioral data such as pages visited, time spent on the site, actions taken (clicks, downloads, forms submitted), and other interactions.

This collection may be carried out using various tools and technologies, such as cookies, web beacons, online forms, traffic analyzes and other tracking mechanisms. The primary purpose of collecting data on a website is often to analyze user behavior, improve user experience, personalize content, measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and make decisions illuminated to optimize site performance.

It is essential to implement data collection practices that comply with current privacy regulations, such as Quebec’s Law 25 or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, in order to guarantee respect for users’ rights in terms of confidentiality and security of the information collected.

Definition and challenge of data collection for an effective marketing strategy (FR)


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union legislation that came into force on May 25, 2018. It aims to strengthen and unify the protection of citizens’ personal data within the European Union (EU ). The GDPR establishes a comprehensive legal framework for the collection, processing, storage and transmission of personal data, defining the rights of individuals and the obligations of organizations that process this data.

The main objectives of the GDPR include protecting the privacy of individuals, holding entities that process data accountable, promoting transparency in the processing of personal information, and harmonizing rules within the EU to facilitate the free flow of data.

The GDPR introduces key principles such as the explicit consent of individuals for the processing of their data, the right to be forgotten (erasure of personal data), the right of access to collected information, data portability, as well as enhanced security and data breach notification requirements.

Organizations processing personal data are required to comply with the principles of the GDPR, put in place adequate security measures, appoint a data protection officer (DPO) in certain cases, and demonstrate their continued compliance with this regulation . Sanctions for non-compliance with GDPR can include substantial fines, underscoring the importance placed on data protection in the EU.

✅ The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation


A cookie on a website is a small text file which usually consists of a sequence of letters and numbers. This file is stored on a user’s computer or device when they visit a website. Cookies are used by websites to collect information about user activities, preferences or interactions with the site.

Cookies serve different purposes, such as personalizing the browsing experience by saving user preferences, remembering connection status, collecting analytical data to improve site performance, or management of shopping carts in the context of e-commerce sites.

It is important to note that cookies can be classified into different categories, including session cookies, which are temporary and expire when the user closes their browser, and persistent cookies, which remain on the user’s device for a defined period. Additionally, users often have the ability to control or disable the use of cookies in their browser settings.

The solutions offered by DGTilai

for cookies and data collection on your website

DGTilai reviews your website and offers solutions for collecting data on your website tailored to your needs and budget.

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Get advice for your cookies

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The information provided is confidential and protected. The information is recorded in a database hosted on a secure server and is deleted regularly. We will use the information provided via this form to communicate with you with your consent.

FormCraft - WordPress form builder

Get advice for your cookie management needs with DGTilai. At DGTilai, we merge web marketing and artificial intelligence to offer you innovative solutions. Simplify the management of your cookies and ensure compliance with privacy laws with our specialized services. Contact us now and find out how we can help you optimize your website.